Monday, April 27, 2009


I think my son is possibly teething. He will be 6 months on Christmas Day. For the past week and a half he is not eatting much, he wants to chew on the nipple, he will take just enough to satisfy him, only 2-3 ounces as compared to 6-7 ounces a bottle, he will not sleep during the day, he sleeps an 1 1/2 now, compared to 10-13 hours a day, he keeps rubbing and pulling his ears, he is cranky and fussy non-stop all day long, and constantly chewing on his fingers. But I do not see anything on his gums. Im pretty sure hes teething, but not positive, Im a first time Mom, so Im not sure. What were your babies teething signs?? And what relief worked best for your baby?? Does it sound like teething to you?? I tried baby orajel, and it didnt work at all.

And also, is it ok to give him a few licks off of a popsicle?? My Dad has been doing it, and I want to make sure its ok.Its just the regula popsicles, fat free and sugar free. Thats ok right?? It seems to help him alot!!!

Teething babys love cold stuff! It numbs the pain. If you go to wal-mart they have teething toys you put in the freezer that are usually filled with water. They love to chew on the frozen filled toys that are cold. If you can't get one of those wet a wash cloth down with cold cold water and let them chew on it. Teething biscuits can be dangerous, just depends on the type. My daughter almost choked to death on those things. But then again every baby is different. A popsicle should be harmless as long as they aren't trying to chew a huge piece off of it. It does the same thing as cold teething toy.
Reply:It should be ok but I'm really quite not sure. I would advise you to visit your doctor about it first and be safe. You will feel much better if you visit the doctor because then you will know if what you are doing is right or not.
Reply:Babies love popsicles. Welch's carries a brand that has fruit juice in it and they are sugar free.

The best thing to do, if you haven't done so by now, is go out and purchase the teething rings. Most of them are made to be put in the freezer. I would also suggest using a pain reliever, check with your doctor to see what he recommends.
Reply:Popsicles are fine, and a good idea, they'll help alot. He's most definitely teething. You can go buy a couple teething rings, that you freeze and he can suck on those anytime.

If it seems to be a really bad day, you can dip your finger in a brandy or whiskey and rub it over his gums and that will help numb him. Don't use anymore than what you get on the pad of your finger in one dunk. But of course, only if you, as the mother, feel comfortable with that. Not everyone does. And definitely don't do it more then twice or maybe three times in a day, and only if he really seems to be pained and the cold isn't working.
Reply:Yes, sounds like he is teething. Terrible time. I did the orajel thing too but only before feeding and sleep time. Try these bite rings that are filled with water. You put them in the freezer and your baby will put it in his mouth and it might relieve his pain. And Popsicles are OK but make sure he is supervised at all times with that! You don't want that Popsicle to break of a chunk and end up in his throat!
Reply:yeah i betcha it's teething. nah' the popsicle won't hurt the little guy. my parents used to rub wisky on their us when we were teething babies. WE WEREN'T GETTING DRUNK OR ALCOHOL POISONING. you just dip your finger in some - dilute it with warm water, and stick your finger in his mouth and gently run on his gums. it works for EVERY BABY. not kidding. it's not bad parenting and you won't get arrested. even ask a cop or a doctor, well they might suggest oragel instead cuz they get money for that cuz it's a medical product but, nurses at hospitals, other ask yer grandparents if they're still around. Crown Royal is the best. good luck, and i hope your little guy feels better soon whatever method you choose.
Reply:my son started doing all the same things around 6 months and he doesn't have a tooth yet but hes got little bumps on his gum line so i think hes teething to, i kno around 6months they start napping less too so maybe ur trying to get him to sleep to much? also baby orajel sucks get baby ambosal (sp?) it works better.Popsicles are okay my son loves them try getting natural fruit pops.
Reply:My daughter did that. Try using a slightly damp wash cloth and put it in the freezer. Make sure it's not frozen stiff or it will give him freezer burns.

As for the popsicles, if it's the kind that is liquid then freeze it, cut off a tiny snip of the corner (so he can get the juice) and let him chew on it. That helped my daughter.
Reply:hello, you can put a wet wash cloth into the freezer, then give it to him to chew/suck on... the cold and the cloth will help him out!! trust me.. it works!! my son loveeesss chewing on towels and blankets and he loves the cold.. so it's perfect!!
Reply:That sounds like teething but you probably need to get him checked out because it could also be a ear infection. My daughter is seven months now and has no teeth but when she had just turned six months, she was doing the same thing. I waited a little bit because I thought that she was teething but when I took her to the pediatrician I found out that she had a ear infection in both ears. The symptoms were all the same. They say that with teething other symptoms can be low grade fever and diarrhea. Try giving him some infant tylenol to ease the pain. Just the recommended dose like you would give after shots.
Reply:My son is 8 1/2 months old and I haven't noticed any signs of teething yet, but I know I have something to look forward too!!! During the summer I got a lot of different types of fruit and cut them into pieces and froze them individually in ice cube trays so they wouldn't stick together. I have one of those little feeding things that looks like a pacifier with a mesh bag on the end so you don't have to worry about the baby choking on bigger pieces. I plan to put chunks of frozen fruit in that for him to gnaw on once he starts teething.
Reply:Signs of teething can be crankiness, dribbling from them mouth (a lot of dribble) putting anything and everything in the mouth to chew on, off food or milk feeds, chin or face rash from dribble, a little cough, biting, diarrhoea, low grade fever, wakefulness, ear pulling or cheek rubbing. (the diarrhoea and fever could be something more sinister, keep an eye on it) you have already used baby oral gel, there is teething salts which are supposed to be very good, paracetamol, or if really concerned use child's ibuprofen (like nurofen or similar) that will help with the pain and inflammation. You can even give the paracetamol and ibuprofen together as they are different drugs, I have used it on both my kids and they survived. The Popsicle's are fine, I do that with my son too. But it should only last a few days at a time and bear in mind that if it is teething you can get a small ear infection and pain radiating down to the jaw also, it is only a problem if your son will not settle and is seriously distressed. I am sure it will pass with only a minor hiccup and once it is over it will be forgotten, lol

good luck
Reply:I think a Popsicle once in a while won't hurt him. If you still feel unsure, phone the doc's nurse and see what they tell you.

I son started teething very late, but he had no appetite, he was cranky, sometimes he was feverish and had diarrhea (Depending on which doc you speak to, some docs will tell you this is not part of teething. I think those docs haven't ever cared for their own child one-on-one.:))

It does sound like teething, but an ear infection IS also a possibility. If he gets a fever over 100, I'd consider it something else and get him to the doc.

Oragel didn't work for us. Washcloths in the FRIDGE, not the freezer did work. I don't think I would put them in the freezer for fear of gum damage. In school, we are taught to NEVER put something frozen against the skin. A towel or blanket is always used.

As far the the liquor thing goes, I completely disagree with what other answerers are saying. It is NOT an analgesic. If it were effective, the dentist would "numb" us with liquor when we have dental work.

You may not be able to completely soothe his pain. Just try to soothe his spirit and give him lots of snuggles.

I feel so sad for you that you are going through this along with the issues with you step daughter. I hope your son feels better soon.

Good luck and best wishes.

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