Monday, April 27, 2009


at what age did your baby get his/her first tooth or teeth

6 months
Reply:6 months is average. Some sooner, some later. Mine were right on time. Dentists believe the later the teeth come in the better the teeth.
Reply:All of my children got their first teeth at around six months old.
Reply:one @ 13 months, two @ 12months, and one @ 9 months
Reply:My son was born teething but did not actually cut the first one through until just before 8 months. My daughter about 9 months with her first.
Reply:8 months but they all start at different times
Reply:6 months
Reply:my sister started teething at 8 months
Reply:I had 4 and they all got their first teeth between 5 and 7 months
Reply:My son got his two bottom teeth at the same time. Started with the swollen gums at age 6 months by the age of 7 months he had his two bottom teeth come in at the exact same time.
Reply:My first one didn't get a tooth until 10 months. She has the most beautiful teeth now and has never had a cavity. My second got her first at 6 months, she wore braces but no cavities either. I've had friends whose children got their first tooth at 4 months.
Reply:My baby first started teething at 4 months and it finally broke the gums at 5 months. She got her front bottom 2 at the same time and it was HORRIBLE. I pray that your baby does not have such a fussy time with their teeth. Just be patient with them and remember that they are in pain.
Reply:4 Months was when my baby got his first tooth.But you need to remember that all babies growth are totally different. My sister's baby got his first tooth at 6 months.Just like walking, they will all start walking at different times.
Reply:6 months for them to finally come in...but our first started teething at about 3 months, but then he got them in handfuls, he had all but his 2 year molars by the time he was 16 months.

Our second and third, started teething a little before 6 months but they came in right around the 6 month mark, and their teething has been a slower steadier process! LOL
Reply:You'll get all kinds of ages, and rightfully so, because every little one is different. But here's a trick to use when the teething (and crying) begin. Stick your (clean, of course) finger in the baby's mouth and rub the gums with medium pressure. Rub where, if they had teeth you would be rubbing on the biting edge (not the sides). My wife used this trick on our own as well as the daycare she ran. The babies love it and it helps the ''cutting in'' speeding the whole process up!
Reply:My son got his first tooth (on the bottom) at 3 months, and he had all of the regular baby teeth besides the first molars in by 9 months. Now I'm waiting for molars...he's almost 11 months now. :)
Reply:My first was 4 months and the second was 5 1/2 months.

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