Monday, April 27, 2009


Can someone tell me the main signs of teething and the approx age of the first tooth coming through? Can you feel the gums and tell for sure? Pretty sad considering we have 4 other boys, and our 6 month old i cannot tell because i do not remember their teething stage LOL!!! Our second younest is 5 so thats a long time ago!! But i think he might possibly be teething!! How can i tell? He will be 7 months on the 15th of this month...

If he's 7 months, it's very likely he's teething. Watch for irritability, red or swollen gums, gnawing anything that gets close to his mouth, excessive drooling. He could also run a temp, have diarrhea, lose of appetite. You can normally feel the "Bump" of the tooth in his gums if the teeth are about to erupt through the gums. I always wet a couple of bath cloths, stuck them in a zip-lock bag, and kept them in the freezer when my son was teething. When he got fussy, I would grab one and let him gnaw on it. Hope this helps....Good luck!
Reply:loss of appetite lots of drool and the desire to bite.......... put a moist cloth in the freezer and let him chew on it and give baby Tylenol for pain son got his first tooth at 3 months.........
Reply:7 mos is prime time for teething. My son's first signs were swollen gums, not really red, just swollen. He gnaws on everything in site, including me, chews on the nipple of his bottle, chews on his pacifier, fingers, etc. My son got his first two teeth at 6.5 mos and now at 7mos he had two more break through this weekend and two more are ready to bust through. He had a hellish couple of days (and nights) until the top two busted through Friday night, Sat. and Sun. he almost slept through the night completely ( a first in about 3 mos.).
Reply:It's very possible that he is teething. You can usually tell from the fact that they want to chew on everything, and if they are slobbering alot more then usual. Sometimes you can feel the gums and feel a tooth, or even soemtimes see it. If your baby is teething, use teething tablets they work great!
Reply:They can run a low grade fever, they slobber more than usual, they get fussy and put more things into their mouth to try to sooth their gums and he is about the right age for him to be teething and yes you can feel tiny bumps in the gums when they start cutting teeth.. i would get a teething ring and teething tablets and/or teething swabbs they both work great and you can get them at most stores... good luck :-)
Reply:My baby started teething at around 7 months- he got 4 teeth at once. We didnt really notice any signs in the day, but at night he would wake up and cry. He vomited a few times. Other people say the signs are a clear runny nose, low fever and irritability.

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