Monday, April 27, 2009


My 3 month old has been a bit fussy lately. She drools a ton and chews her fingers and is a bit stuffed up. I know some of this is somewhat normal but it seems like she does it more than before. Could she be teething and if so can someone tell me about teething tablets and if they are safe? Thanks in advance.

I only tried those on my girl once and I can say don't do it if you want your baby to sleep. These kept her awake forever. What I ended up doing was the cheapest thing in the world but it seemed to work the best. I took a couple of soft washcloths, got them wet, wrung them out till they were just damp and threw them in the freezer. When she would get fussy, I would get one out for her to chew on. The icy coolness soothed her gums but melted quick so as not to be too cold too long. Chewing on a washcloth doesn't hurt anything and she couldn't pop them like the teething rings you can buy in the stores.

Try it....see what your baby thinks. I kept 2 or 3 going all the time so all I had to do is swap one out for another.

Good Luck.
Reply:there are some things like you can buy these boxes of hard cracker things that are like in the shape of a mini breadstick. their made for babies to chew on for teething. good luck
Reply:I guess I raised my kids too long ago to know about teething tablets, but we had some things that seemed to work and were definitely safe. You can rub an ice cube on her gums, this relieves the pain for a while, like enough time for her to go to sleep. Also, they used to sell teething rings, these could be chewed on the way they are, or again frozen, the cold helps alot. There was also a gel that was sold in the drug store, I can't remember the name but the pharmacist would know. Have fun, it's only just begun.
Reply:I think you are right. It sounds like she is teething. My daughter got her first to teeth right before she turned 4 months and I know I got my first tooth at 3 months, so I think it is completely possible. As for the teething tablets, my doctor told me he recommended them more that gels (like Orajel). I also gave me daughter lots of things to chew on. And I chilled a wet washcloth in the refrigerator and she could chew and suck on that. And I crushed up ice cubes and put them in one of those mesh feeders and she loved it!
Reply:=] my son was exactly like this.. he's now 5 months and just got his first one the other day [ he's been doing the drooling,etc since 10 weeks, but week before the tooth got a fever and stuffy nose ]

Hylands tablets work well for my son along with orajel.. The tablets do not numb the pain, but help the teething SYMPTOMS such as restlessness, whinyness and fussiness.. the orajel literally numbes.. so good luck =]

* yes, they are safe, they also have chammomine in the them which will help your baby sleep
Reply:I wouldnt go along with sharon, those cookie things can dissolve too easily and a piece can break insid the baby's mouth and cause choking. I use Baby orajel. It numbs her quick and stops the fussiness. My baby girl got her first tooth alittle before tunring 4 months. She is now 4 1/2 months and just got her second one. When she first started teething she was really fussy at times and always with her fingers in her mouth. You can also tell if she is by looking at her gums and seeing if they are kind of turning white.
Reply:I use teething tablets with my son they are 100% natural and homeopathic. I was just giving him the 1-3 that is directed, but the pharmacist told me to use 4-5 at a time. I really find that they work. You can also use tylenol on top of it.

Also, my son started all those teething signs at about 12 weeks, he is now 6 months with no teeth.
Reply:My son starting doing the exact same thing at about 2 1/2 months. I give him Hylands teething tablets and orajel. Just make sure that if you use orajel that it isn't around feeding time because it can also numb their tongue and make it hard to swallow. My son also loves his First Years Massaging Action Teether. they can also be found at Target and Wal-mart.

Good Luck!

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