Monday, May 17, 2010

Still not teething?

My daughter will be 6 months next week and she is not showing any signs of teething. No fussiness, no drooling, no lumps, nothing.

I'm not really worried, just more curious as to how late your children started teething?

Still not teething?
Thats completely normal. Mine started at 4 months but I have a friend whose little boy didn't start teething until 8 months. No worries!
Reply:Mine were right "on time" but I had a friend who's kids (all 4 of them) didn't teeth until after their 1st birthdays. Ask your mom when you started teething. Ask his mom too.
Reply:the later they start the healthier their teeth will be...

mine started teething at about 8 1/2 -9 months
Reply:My daughter is eight months atm and hasn't got any teeth yet. Every child is different.
Reply:It's different for every baby...there is no "normal" time to start teething. Info published about when they 'should' start teething is always just based on averages.

Both of my children started at about six months but I have friends whose babies were born with teeth and others who didn't start teething until well into their second year....and those kids are all older now and have lovely teeth!

If you're concerned, find a friendly paediatric dentist and make an appointment just to be reassured :o)
Reply:they were 7 months old. Then my daughter didn't get another till about 11 months I think it was
Reply:no dramas.

be glad of no teeth and enjot them because they can become grizzly and irritable.

the later the better i reckon. mine were later and happier for the experience.
Reply:Both my kids didnt get any teeth until after they were 12months old.
Reply:My son didn't cut his 1st tooth until his first birthday and my daughter is 6 mos and doesnt have one yet. If your child doesn't have one by his first birthday, your doc. may recommend x-rays for tooth buds. But I wouldnt worry.
Reply:for normal baby we will see the white cap when she 4 month up to 7 month, so just wait until next month, you will see the bud! :)

my baby start teething at 6 month, but since she was just like under "normal" condition ( no drooling, didn't cry etc..) so even I did not notice she was start teething until she smile to me and I see the white cap there..
Reply:my first son was three months old when he got his first tooth but my second child didnt get any until he was 1 year old so i wouldnt worry
Reply:My daughter was all gums at her first birthday party! She didn't get her first tooth until she was 13 months old!

She is six now and, oddly enough, is losing her teeth earlier than most of her peers. Her dentist is impressed with how healthy her teeth are, so I'm not concerned (You shouldn't be, either). : )

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