Monday, November 16, 2009

I hate teething!!!?

my poor baby is teething. hes 3 1/2 months old, i've tried orajel, cold wash rags, hylands teething tablets, even giving a small dose of tyenol, and nothing helps him. does anyone have any other ideas, also can teething cause diherra?

I hate teething!!!?
teething doesn't cause diarhea, but a dirty wash rag might. Back in the day they used to put whiskey on their gums to ease the pain of teething. I'll get negatives if I recommend it... but I'm going to anyway. Use whiskey!

[edit] I can admit when I'm wrong... I guess teething does cause diarhea... and knowing is half the battle.
Reply:Symptoms of teething:

Irritability, drooling, coughing, chin rash (from the drooling), cheek rubbing and ear pulling (pain from the gums), diarrhea, fever, not sleeping well and cold-like symptoms.

You can try buying a teething ring, which you can put in the fridge and make it cold. The coldness make the gums go numb for a bit and babies like to bite on it to relieve the irritibility. You can also use any paracetamol syrup if the fever is too high, but always consult your doctor.

You could always tell when my boys teethed. They would both have a dribble rash on their chins, Nappy rash on their bums, and diahreah really badly.

I used to give them panadol as well as run an orange rind on their gums. The orange rind, I always believed was a Old wives tale. Then my boys drove me mad and my mother in-law told me to do it.

It works!! It is heaps better than any liquid relief, because it gets right there into the gums.

Hope your little man gets better soon.
Reply:Yes, teething can cause diarrhea, it is from the baby swallowing the excess silvia...from dulling.

Teething is terrible! There isn't much you can do, Tylenol is the best way. Have you tried the teething rings, put those in the freezer. Also, try to distract him from the pain, like going for a walk.
Reply:rub Vanilla extract on his gums. seriously.

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