Monday, November 16, 2009

Teething advice?

I give my daughter Motrin, teething tablets, orajel. What else, besides those things, can I do for her? She doesn't care for her teething ring. She's 18 months old.

Teething advice?
Since she is 18 months old, she has a molar or two (I am guessing).

My daughter LOVES refrigerated bananas. She chomps on them and they cool her gums down.

Try it.
Reply:let her chew on something soft but firm
Reply:ice cubes in washcloths, hard crackers, advil if she's in pain, and popsicles.
Reply:fingers son loved that..just make sure your hands are clean.
Reply:Take a Popsicle stick and gently rub on any gums that are still covering the top of the teeth. (DO NOT SCRAPE!!)
Reply:I kept a stack of frozen wet washcloths ready. My kids loved to chew on them. It really helped with the teething pain.
Reply:Try giving her a popcicle
Reply:all u can do is let her bite something hard not too hard mind. mine had terrible time dring teething. best of luck
Reply:Bare with her it wont last forever, and nothing gets rid of the pain for long !! I rubbed Whiskey on my kids gums, your mama probably did too, it is definatly old school.
Reply:You can get those mesh things that have a handle. They are usually used to put fruit inside so the baby can chew and not choke on the fruit. You can put an ice cube in there.

I wouldn't give her Motrin. That seems a little much.
Reply:cold washcloth,popsicles,childrens tylenol-thats all i used for my son
Reply:my favorite thing when i was little was this chew thingy with this gel on the inside. my mom would put it in the freezer so it was frozen and all. its A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

i used the same thing when my wizdom teeth came in. trust me. it helps so much.
Reply:if your daughter is breastfed you can give her breastmilk freezes ( homemade) you can do the same with homo milk and or formula, put the milk in an ice cube tray until frozen get one of them net like things that stops large pieces from getting out and chokin your little one and give it to her to naw on, You can buy sugar less freezes from all stores and give them to her. Frozen banana pieces works well.

Pretty much anything that is cold will work wonders. Mortin is an anti inflanatory which means it will take the swelling down in her gums and aswell as the pain it is better than tylenol.

There is a toy called the Super Yummy it is from discoverytoys and is about 13.00 or so and it is amazing for teething, it is red

Good luck
Reply:My daughter loved frozen apple and orange slices.

Good, messy (yes) but kept her from crying since her gums were numb from coldness.

18 months so she can eat them.
Reply:Zweback cookies (Nabisco ?) in the baby isle. My parents swear by them. My son didn't care for them but he's almost 17 months and isn't teething anymore--he was an early teether. Try it!
Reply:soft cold and chewy things like a cold banana or an ice pop
Reply:SUGAR TIT!! It is what my grandma and mom used. You get some sugar...put it in some kind of mesh cloth she can suck on and dip it in Rum. Not kidding it works like a daughter started teething 2 days after my husband got deployed and that was the only thing that worked.
Reply:I know a lot of people have already mentioned it, but the mesh thing. You can put ice chips, frozen banana, or another type of fruit. You can even freeze fruit juice and put in there. The frozen washcloths are great too. I also only used the night time baby oragel with mine. My oldest also did love those gerber biscuit things. Boy are they messy! Mine also really loved bath time, so while he was teething I used it to distract him. He was too busy having fun to notice the pain. Maybe let her do something fun like finger paints. You'll have a mess on your hands, but that beats hearing her cry and she has some good fun. Hope this helps!

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