Monday, November 16, 2009

Teething question??

my son is almost 3 months old and he is really fussy and drooling ALOT! is it too early for him to be teething? and when should he start teething?

Teething question??
its no doubt that he is teething my daughter did the same thing suprisingly at the same age. i would try some teething tablets or teething droplets also with teething comes fussiness fevers and sometimes loose stool and occasionally a little bit of vomit but thats perfectly normal with babys but if those dont work i would try a frozen pacifier or teething ring or a popscicle my daughter went through several just let him suck on the popscicle the cold will help sooth his gums. just dont let him bite off a piece also a cold bottle of ice water helps too. good luck!
Reply:NOPE baby's teeth sometimes for MONTHS! Try teething tablets from hylands or teething drops by gentle naturals. Tylenol if he is really fussy. A tooth may not appear for a few more months still so be prepared for that.Also cold symptoms and loose stool may follow
Reply:Your baby is teething. The teeth may not show but he is teething. My baby is always drooling. I have to put a bib on him and give him teething tablets often. His teeth might not come out for months but he his teething.
Reply:This is what our pediatrician told us at 4 months:

1. All babies drool.. regardless if they are teething. Many babies drool a LOT. (my daughter did for 3 months before she ever got a tooth)

2. All babies are fussy.. regardless if they are teething. Most babies are noticeably fussy starting at 3-4 months because they are starting to be aware of their surroundings and notice things that they didnt before (mommy isnt holding me... etc)

3. The number one myth in raising an infant is that if they are drooly and fussy they are teething.

Don't worry about it ;) Yes, he CAN be teething but he may also just be doing a normal baby thing. Again my daughter started drooling, (A LOT) fussing.. acting like she was teething starting at around 3-4 months.. she didnt get her first tooth until she was almost 7 months.
Reply:no my baby started teething @ two months. try orajel and give him something real cold to scratch his gum. a teething ring, rub his gum and give him motrin if he gets a fever; the line close to the bottom. trust me i know

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