Thursday, November 12, 2009


my 3 month old is already getting teeth. isnt that way too soon??

what can i do to releive the pain she is having??

My daughter started the teething process around that time and at 4.5 months she got her first 2 teeth! She is now 7 months and has 7 teeth. I found the Hylands Teething tablets worked good and baby oragel. Because she was so young she was unable to grab and hold cold teethers in her mouth. So I did my best to hold them there for her or rub her gums with a cold wash cloth.
Reply:dip your finger in a some rum, or jack and rub in on his gums. good luck
Reply:well I would try to give her the baby tylenol...but only give her the lowest amount
Reply:LOL no alcohol! that'd get you in trouble if someone reported you to CPS! There's a couple of things...First off a damp washcloth that has been thrown in the freezer for a few minutes works wonders...They love to chew on the texture of it and the cold will help numb the gums.

Tylonal and motrin sure not to give them both at the same time...alternate them. Baby orajel..just enough to cover the spot the tooth is coming in, otherwise it interferes with nursing.

There are several different teether options on the market. Some are liquid/gel filled and designed to be frozen/refrigerated so the cold soothes them. Others have different bumps and knobs on them for baby to chew on to help the tooth break through.

I have found that if the toothe is almost through that it saves alot of drama and misery to just numb up the gums with the orajel and use a clean washcloth to firmly rub over the tooth and break it through that last bit of skin. It sounds bad, but honestly it's better to end the misery since once the tooth has broken through the skin baby feels better.
Reply:Orajel and tylenol will help also a cold wash rag.
Reply:No it's not soon... My best friend child already was growing one by the time she reached I think 9 months or something like that... Try Humphrey's Teething Pellets No. 3. you can get them at Walgreen's and other places... Hope this helps! :)
Reply:Nope, I got my first tooth at 3 months. Every baby is different.

I found the only thing that worked for my first baby was Infant's Tylenol. You can also try a cool teething ring.

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